Dr. Andy Beck Goes to Washington D.C.

Dr. Andy Beck, All Children Thrive’s Excellent and Equitable Health Outcomes (EEHO) and Health Equity Network (HEN) lead, made his way to Washington D.C. last week for the “Communities in Action: Building a Better Ohio" event to discuss improving child health, social determinants of health, population health, and health equity with representatives from President Biden’s administration.

In addition to being the lead of EEHO and HEN, Dr. Beck is an attending physician within Cincinnati Children’s General and Community Pediatrics and Hospital Medicine team and is also a member of the Cincinnati Child and Family Cabinet.

“When I had the opportunity to address the room, I was proud to voice Cincinnati Children’s vision to be the leader in improving child health,” said Dr. Beck. “I highlighted our methods – our commitment to child-centeredness, to partnership, and to equity. And I shared the work of so many from across our institution and community with national figures who have the ear of the president. I left inspired and humbled, with full confidence that the future for Cincinnati’s kids can be bright if we, together, make it so.”

Learn more about Dr. Beck’s trip to D.C. from the Cincinnati Children’s Research Horizon’s blog.


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